Tag Archives: beginner runner

Running 101

1. Set up a 10 week plan, or some time frame you can plan out and hold yourself accountable for. Answer when and where you will be running.

2. Buy the right shoes, and plan on replacing them after 350 – 500 miles.

3. Make an easy plan to start with. Don’t create an unrealistic plan that will motivate you in the begining and half way make you feel like you let your self down. If you are new to running, set an amount of time (20 minutes minimum) to run/jog/walk and improve how many miles you can make in that time. Log your first go at it and build from there. The goal is consistancy. Plan on 3 days a week or everyother day (whichever works for your schedule).

4. Take the mile challenge. Record your first mile time to see your improvement and have a referemce for when friends ask.

5. When comfortable, take the F-I-T challenge and run 2-3 miles 3-5 days a week at a steady comfortable pace. Record it, you will love seeing your progress and weightloss too.

Frequency: 3-5 days/week
Intensity: Steady Pace
Time: Goal: 30 min.

6. Find your pace, keep a steady rythem of your breath and stride. This is about 1-2 minutes slower per mile than if you were trying for your best time.

7. Remember to warm up and cool down.

I personally like to speed walk for 5 minutes to loosen up ligaments to prevent injury, and follow my run with the same and then STRETCH AFTER, never before.
